
bettypoole '02和'06 holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies and Master of Science Degree in Public Administration, 都来自英国威廉希尔中文网站. 她曾在埃文斯维尔范德堡学校公司担任无家可归者联络员, and was on assignment with The Board of Directors National Conference Co-Chair with NAEHCY (National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth).

迈克尔D. Woodard 69 1979年获硕士学位,1984年获哲学博士学位. He provides technical assistance to Federal and state governmental agencies for equal employment opportunity program evaluation, 合规评估, 以及替代性争议解决. 在大学期间,他是Kappa Alpha Psi兄弟会Epsilon Iota分会的成员. He played professional football with the 印第安纳州polis Caps of the Continental Football League after starring in football at UE during his collegiate years. 他于1978年入选体育名人堂.

大卫·沙希德1969年 以B成绩毕业.S. 在工商管理,然后继续获得他的法学博士学位. 沙希德曾担任印第安纳波利斯马里恩县高等法院的法官. 沙希德于2001年当选法官,任期至2014年. 他现在是一名高级法官. 了解更多关于 大卫为埃文斯维尔队投进了一记神奇的篮球.

罗纳德·格拉斯,1968年 (已故)以B毕业.A. 在剧院. He acted for years in the long-running television special "Barney Miller" and the television series "Mr. 罗兹”.

Dr. 罗斯·梅斯,67年 得了B.S. 在护理. Dr. Mays retired from teaching at the 印第安纳州 University School of Nursing located on the IUPUI campus in 印第安纳州polis. 她目前在大学董事会任职.

塔尔梅奇·维克58年 是真正关心公民组织的主席吗, which filed a federal law suit and sued the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation in 1971 to integrate all of its schools. 结果是, The Federal District Court put the EVSC school system under jurisdiction until it was integrated and ordered a desegregation plan to be adopted. Their efforts assisted the increase of Affirmative Action and Federal Programs benefiting Blacks and minorities in Evansville, 同时为EVSC的黑人提供和开放更多的工作机会, credited to this groups efforts and the decision handed down in 1972 by Midwest District Judge S. 休·狄龙.

基于他作为RCC主席的行动和努力. 维克在他的职业生涯中被EVSC(黑球)多年. 他有更多的中等教育执照, 经验和证书加上大量的研究生工作. 然而, for the majority of his career with the EVSC he was overlooked for promotions and positions he qualified and applied for.

Mr. Vick also played an important part for getting an Open Housing Ordinance passed in 1968 by the Evansville City Council, this Ordinance was to prevent and no longer allow the accepted practice in Evansville of “Redlining” prior to this “Open Housing Ordinance “African Americans could not live pass Kentucky Avenue. 《开放住房条例》通过后,布莱克第一次有机会买房, 租一套公寓,住在被通缉的Mr. 维克为EVSC编写、开发并教授黑人历史研究课程.

Mr. Vick was selected and honored for his service in Evansville with numerous educational and community service awards.

Don Ricketts, 55岁 1950年毕业于埃文斯维尔林肯高中, and continued his education at Evansville College where he received his bachelor's in electronic engineering and a certificate in cooperative engineering. 随后, he was awarded bachelors and masters in 数学ematics from Boston University and Northeastern University, 分别.

他是国际公认的压电聚合物换能器专家. 1980年,他被雷神公司评为年度最佳作者, 1985, and 1986 for his papers on piezoelectric polymer transducers that were published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 他发表了14篇技术论文,并拥有两项聚合物传感器专利. 2000年,唐纳德获得了英国威廉希尔中文网站杰出校友奖.

In 2012 The Donald Ricketts Scholarship was established in conjunction with the Evansville African American Museum. The scholarship is for students enrolled in a full-time accredited college or university majoring in science, 数学, 或技术.


为纪念杨先生所作的贡献. Ricketts can be made to the Evansville African American Museum in care of the Donald Ricketts Scholarship Fund.

维拉·肖恩·汤普森,39岁 是第二位从埃文斯维尔学院毕业的四年制黑人学生吗.

1月19日出生, 1919年在埃文斯维尔, 印第安纳州, 维拉是阿尔文和范妮·肖恩的9个孩子中的第八个. Vera attended historic Liberty Baptist Church in Evansville and graduated as Salutatorian from Lincoln High School in 1935.

Vera Shane于1939年6月毕业于Evansville College,获得理学学士学位, 主修社会学,辅修教育学. 从埃文斯维尔学院毕业后, there were not many jobs available for Vera as a black woman in Evansville in the field of sociology. 做了一年社工后,维拉去了芝加哥. 维拉是芝加哥城市联盟的工业代表. She was responsible for coordinating numerous activities that helped black women to be hired by national companies in Chicago. She was "excellent" as defined by management in opening doors during an extremely challenging time for black people in these United States of America. 维拉对芝加哥地区所有的工作机会都了如指掌.

在芝加哥,她遇到了她未来的丈夫. 威廉上校. 汤普森. 汤普森参加了哈莱姆机场的民航飞行员培训项目. 汤普森成为第99追击中队的首批飞行员之一, 第一批塔斯基吉飞行员之一.

薇拉在芝加哥师范学院继续她的学业, 她在哪里获得了教育学硕士学位. 在那个时期,芝加哥的大多数教师都是白人. 维拉冒险进入芝加哥公立学校系统的特殊教育领域. 她在职业生涯中担任过几个职位. Teacher, guidance counselor, acting assistant principal and Special Education Department Chairperson. 她曾在芝加哥地区的几所学校工作,包括杜塞布尔高中. 维拉在工作了30年后于1986年退休. 维拉觉得她本可以成为一所学校的校长, 但比起行政工作,她更喜欢与学生接触.

在2008年的一次晚宴上,维拉受到了牛津大学黑人校友的表彰. 她在2008年的毕业典礼上获得了荣誉勋章.

弗雷德·邓肯49 是埃文斯维尔学院第一个跨种族兄弟会的创始成员, 担任Pi Kappa兄弟会第一年的副会长. 他是第二次世界大战的老兵. Mr. 邓肯在学生会和欢乐合唱团都很活跃.

Mr. 邓肯在埃文斯维尔社区也很活跃. 1949年. Duncan helped to get approval for Evansville's Lincoln High School (an all-black school at the time) to play contact sports with all white schools in the area.

Mr. Duncan was also instrumental in having racist "Reserved for Colored" signs removed from the local Greyhound bus station. 最后,先生. 邓肯领导了结束种族主义的努力, discriminatory policies that prevented blacks from playing on public tennis courts in Evansville.

威廉·贝尔49年 中等教育专业. 贝尔于1925年出生于田纳西州的克拉克斯维尔,父母是吉尔伯特·贝尔和米妮·贝尔. 他是第二次世界大战期间在海军陆战队服役的老兵. At Evansville College he was on the Dean’s list several times and achieved the prestigious title of a 校园 Notable, 很可能是第一批被认可的黑人学生之一. He was also chosen as a Big Wheel on campus and selected twice as one of the representatives of Evansville College in Who’s Who, 也很可能是埃文斯维尔学院第一个获得该奖项的黑人男性.

Mr. 贝尔是合唱团的主席,弹钢琴和作曲. 尽管他的大学成绩令人印象深刻, 20世纪40年代,美国的种族歧视政策成为了他进入美国的障碍. 贝尔必须充分利用他的技能并获得认可. Mr. Bell worked several years as an educator in the Evansville public school system at Lincoln High School. 后来,他搬到了印第安纳州的加里,并于2003年从加里学区退休. 他教书59年. 他于2004年2月去世,享年79岁. 2019年. Bell was awarded posthumously the UE Distinguished 校友 award for his campus achievements and his long-time career as an educator.

詹姆斯·巴比49岁 完成了埃文斯维尔学院第一批黑人男性毕业生的前三名. 巴比还是埃文斯维尔学院跨种族兄弟会Pi Kappa的创始成员. 他担任了一年的财务主管. 中等教育专业, 在埃文斯维尔学院任职期间,他还被选为校园名人. Mr. Barbee was also active in pursuing the civil rights of black people in the Evansville 社区.